Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tuesday Talk*: If Not Old Man Biden, Then Who?

The right side seems to be fairly easy to line up. There’s the young turk, Ron DeSantis, or the old, vulgar, amoral, deceitful, ignoramus. But on the other side, the incumbent isn’t getting any younger, a point not missed by many Democratic voters.

Mr. Biden has said repeatedly that he intends to run for re-election in 2024. At 79, he is already the oldest president in American history, and concerns about his age ranked at the top of the list for Democratic voters who want the party to find an alternative.

Mind you, they don’t think he’s doing a great job as president either.

In a sign of deep vulnerability and of unease among what is supposed to be his political base, only 26 percent of Democratic voters said the party should renominate him in 2024.

Ironically, the only person against whom Biden would win is Trump,** who also lost in polls where the alternative was a smallish rock, a turnip or dog poop. But I digress.

The backlash against Mr. Biden and desire to move in a new direction were particularly acute among younger voters. In the survey, 94 percent of Democrats under the age of 30 said they would prefer a different presidential nominee.

As was argued at the time, the nomination of Biden as the Democratic candidate wasn’t so much an embrace of Biden, who the Dems blew off on his earlier tries when he was still a bit more, eh, youthful, but a rejection of Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders, the candidates reflecting the hard left of the party. Yet, the young Dems are even more certain today that Biden’s biggest failure was his not being progressive enough, not using his pen and phone to unilaterally ram woke down a nation’s throat.

This is what gives rise to a very serious question. Will the wayward children of the left finally get their way and compel the party to nominate a candidate who is seriously dedicated to radical change?

The Dems don’t want Biden, who completely missed his mandate of a return to normality and instead listened to the loudest idiots in the Oval who told him he could be FDR but for two overarching problems. He didn’t have the support and their social justice programs and profligate spending were wildly unpopular and foolish.

But if not Biden, who? There’s the heir apparent, Kamala Harris, who has managed to do the impossible and be even more despised than Biden or Trump. Is there a candidate on the Dem side whom people might want to vote for? Or at least wouldn’t have to hold their nose while voting? Who?

*Tuesday Talk rules apply.

**Oh my. Whatever could this mean for Darth Cheeto?

One glimmer of good news for Mr. Biden is that the survey showed him with a narrow edge in a hypothetical rematch in 2024 with former President Donald J. Trump: 44 percent to 41 percent.


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