Friday, February 12, 2021

Short Take: Kicking Carano, or Bippity Boppity Boot

Since I don’t have Disney +, I’ve never seen the Mandalorian, have no feelings about Baby Yoda and didn’t know who Gina Carano was until I learned she was canceled.

“Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future,” a Lucasfilm spokesperson said in a statement, per The Hollywood Reporter. “Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

Apparently, they were looking for reasons to get rid of her because of wrong views for a while. She liked Trump. She didn’t like masks. She listed her pronouns as “beep/bop/boop.” But it wasn’t until she brought up Jews being beaten in Nazi Germany that they finally had the good to fire her.

This was deemed abhorrent, comparing what the Nazis did to Jews to how progressives in America hate those whose politics differ here. It’s not a good comparison by a long shot, and it would be entirely understandable to challenge her comparison on many levels. But abhorrent?

The irony here is that she was fired, canceled, for expressing a disputed and disagreeable comparison. An opinion.

As a Jew, I’m likely supposed to be outraged by this, as it’s my “cultural and religious heritage” under attack. But I’m not. I may not agree with comparison, but then no moreso than my disagreement with SJWs shrieking Nazi at anyone who breaks for their orthodoxy. Why this is an acceptable comparison for some but not others, when it’s a terrible comparison for both, is a mystery to me. But then, I’m just not sufficiently woke.

Then again, I’m reliably informed that I’m supposed to be offended by “flippant” hamantaschen recipes.

If LucasFilm wants to fire Gina Carano, that’s up to them, but don’t hang it on offending Jews. Well, at least not this Jew.

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